

Faculty, technical and administrative staff of the Department


Ana Luiza Coelho Netto

Hillside erosive and hydrological processes; Evolution of landscape systems; Evaluation and risk management of gravitational mass movements.

André de Souza Avelar

Hydrology and River Basin Management, Geomorphological Processes, and Geo-ecology.

Antônio José Teixeira Guerra

Geomorphology, Erosive Processes and Environmental Impacts.

Antônio Paulo de Faria

Geomorfología Fluvial e Hidrología, Dinámica de Microcuencas.

Carla Bernadete Madureira Cruz

Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing.

Eduardo José Pereira Maia

Geography Teaching and History of Geography.

Elizabeth Maria Feitosa da Rocha de Souza

Remote sensing applied to urban areas, spatial analysis of urban areas, and field data gathering techniques.

Eve Anne Buhler

Economic Geography and Rural Spaces Social Geography.

Flavia Moraes Lins de Barros

Marine Geography, Coastal Geomorphology, and Integrated Coastal Management.

Frédéric Monié

Economic Geography and Transport Geography, World Regional Geography.

Guilherme Hissa Villas Boas

Ethnogeomorphology; Geomorphology; Socioenvironmental Integrated System Analysis.

Letícia Parente Ribeiro

Methods in Geography, Geography Thinking History, International Borders.

Manoel do Couto Fernandes

Geoprocessing, Geoecology, Cartography, Geomorphology, Thematic Cartography.

Marcelo Lopes de Souza

Socio-Spatial Development, Urban Studies.

Marcos Paulo Ferreira de Góis

Geography Theory, Cultural Geography, Urban Geography

Maria Naíse de Oliveira Peixoto

Quaternary Geomorphology, River Basin Analysis and Management, Erosive Processes, Environmental Education.

Mônica dos Santos Marçal

Fluvial Geomorphology, River Basin Analysis, Structural Geomorphology.

Nelson Ferreira Fernandes

Pedology, Soil Hydrology, Mass Movements and Mathematical Modeling.

Núbia Beray Armond

Geographic Climatology, Climate Geography and Urban Climatology.

Paulo César da Costa Gomes

Geography Theory, Political Geography and History of Geographical Thinking.

Paulo Márcio Leal de Menezes

Cartography, Thematic and Digital Cartography; New Technologies Applied to Cartography.

Paulo Pereira de Gusmão

Public Policies and Environment, Environmental Management.

Rafael Silva de Barros

Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing.

Rafael Winter Ribeiro

Political Geography; State and territorial formation processes; Cultural Geography; Geography and Cultural and Environmental Heritage.

Rebeca Steiman

Frontiers and Borders in South America and Conservation in Border Zone.

Ricardo Gonçalves Cesar

Biogeography, Ecotoxicology and Ecological and Human Health Risk Associated with Environmental Pollutants.

William Ribeiro da Silva

Geografía Humana – Geografía Urbana y Económica.